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e30 Cabriolets have fairly finicky tops (probably Haartz) that require a bit of regular maintenance to keep in good working order and ensure a long life. Lubricating frame My top was a bit cranky going up and down. I bought a spray can of white lithium grease/lubricant at Auto-Zone and with a piece of thin cardboard very carefully lubed all the joints and pivot-points (don't do this on a windy day!) Made a huge difference, goes up and down smoothly with much less effort. Cleaning & Sealing a Canvas Top
Improving boot protective covering Care of the Top Window The rear window needs a bit of frequent maintenance to keep that "new" look. If your window needs work, start with a gentle application of Meguiar's No. 10 followed by another gentle application of the No. 17. Use the No. 18 frequently to clean and condition - I use it every time the top goes down.
Glue Residue inside Rear Window On the inside of the boot BMW was kind enough to glue velvet strips to keep the window from being scratched against the metal. Unfortunately, over time the velvet degrades and the glue bleeds through leaving residue on the inside of the rear window. I stripped off the old velvet, removed the glue with goo-gone, and replaced it with velvet from a Craft store that already had an adhesive backing (just pull the tape backing and install.) BTW, the best way to remove the reside I found was spit and a fingernail, followed up with the Meguiar's 3-step clear plastic clean and treat process (#10 then #17 then #18.) Repair Canvas Top Replace Canvas Top